The Chronicle
Raymond Jaravaza, [email protected]
THE Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce Cde Raj Modi has once again pledged to donate his monthly salary if elected Member of Parliament and appointed in Government to under-privileged people in Bulawayo.
Cde Modi is the only Zanu-PF candidate who won in Bulawayo’s parliamentary seats when he was elected MP for Bulawayo South in the 2018 elections.
The ruling party is confident of wrestling more seats from the opposition in the August 23 harmonised elections.
Disgruntled Bulawayo residents are evidently tired of empty promises made by the opposition in uplifting their lives and see the revolutionary party as the only gateway to sustainable development in the City of Kings.
In an interview, Cde Modi said the monthly donation, which has been benefiting the less privileged for the last five years, is the least he can do for the people of Bulawayo whom he credits for his success in business.
Cde Modi is in the retail business and is a major contributor to the local economy with his businesses employing hundreds of people.
“I am a successful businessman because of the people of Bulawayo. I am a Member of Parliament because of the people of Bulawayo and I was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce because I am a Member of Parliament so today I am a Minister because of the people of Bulawayo.
“While I can thank them all through words, I have been compelled for the last five years to show my gratitude by helping the under-privileged in our city by donating my salary to the community. Therefore, I am making another undertaking to donate my entire salary every month to the needy if elected again as Member of Parliament for Bulawayo South and if the President sees it fit to appoint me in his next government.
“Serving under the leadership of President Mnangagwa has taught me a lot about humility and working hard to serve the people of Bulawayo and Zimbabwe as a whole.
“For the last five years, my salary has assisted a lot of under privileged children, women, the elderly and people living with disabilities,” said Cde Modi.
The philanthropist said he is motivated by President Mnangagwa’s mantra of leaving no one and place behind as the country forges ahead with the vision of attaining a middle-class economy by 2030.
‘I am motivated by our President’s mantra of servant leadership. I have been donating my salary during my current term because I believe the community can benefit from it and will continue to do so going forward,” he said.