The Chronicle
Emmanuel Koro
Construction of schools, provision of medical facilities, water, electricity and employment creation and community ownership and conservation of wildlife are the life-changing benefits that international hunting has brought to Tanzanian wildlife-producer communities in the 21st century, says the East African country’s top NGO that represents wildlife-producer communities.
“International hunting is supporting the construction of medical facilities such as building schools and dispensaries and social services like water and electricity supply,” said a representative of the Community Wildlife Management Areas Consortium of Tanzania, Mr Mohamed Kamona in a recent interview. “Through this sustainable use of wildlife, we also built schools.”
He said that the hunting revenue “meets the needs that communities are lacking.” The Community Wildlife Management Areas Consortium of Tanzania is a top NGO which works with local communities and the Tanzanian Government whose role is to ensure that community wildlife management policies are being implemented correctly.
“We are doing different kinds of sustainable use activities and one of them is international hunting,” said Mr Kamona. “The communities’ attitude to wildlife when they benefit, is very positive in a sense that these communities have been living with wildlife even before I was born, even before my grandfather was born,” he said.
Mr. Kamona said that hunting has always been part of the Tanzanian people’s tradition.
“If there are people who oppose hunting, they have to realize that there are communities that depend on wildlife for their livelihoods,” said Mr. Kamona in an apparent warning against the animal rights groups’ wildlife-harming opposition to international hunting.
“Just like they depend on vehicles for their transport, it’s just the same with Tanzanian people who also depend on wildlife for their livelihoods.
“We have to acknowledge and recognize the importance of sustainable use for the people who co-exist and depend on wildlife.”
He said that it was unfair for anyone to dictate to other people not to use their wildlife.
“We have to respect the concept of sustainable use and it’s good that the Tanzanian Government has included international hunting as one of the sustainable use mechanisms,” said Mr Kamona.
“During the days of our grandparents, wildlife was used for their livelihoods, including bush meat for nutritional needs,” he noted.
“But now international hunting revenue is bringing income to build schools.”
Mr Kamona said that the international hunting benefits create incentives for the communities to conserve wildlife.
“Now the wildlife is creating employment, sending people to schools and the communities have a strong sense of ownership over the wildlife that they co-exist with and manage,” he said.
“People are very friendly to wildlife and this helps reduce human-wildlife-conflict.”
Mr. Kamona said that the fact that wildlife roams freely in Tanzania’s wildlife-producer communities indicates that it’s safe.
“The trend is that the more benefits communities receive from international hunting, the less the incidence of poaching,” he said. “Even the statistics published by the Tanzania Wildlife Research shows that the rate of poaching is going down.”
Mr Kamona who recently attended a strategic meeting for the Southern Africa Community Leaders Network in Johannesburg, South Africa, said that human-wildlife-conflict gives evidence that “we have a lot of wildlife that is now moving into communities.”
“As a community member, the role of Community Wildlife Management Areas Consortium of Tanzania is to look at the areas where we can improve our livelihoods and those areas must be part of our environment,” he said. “So as long as wildlife is part and parcel of our environment, we should use all the sustainable mechanism to improve our livelihoods through our wildlife economy.”
About the writer: Emmanuel Koro is a Johannesburg-based international award-winning environmental journalist who writes independently on environmental and developmental issues.