The Chronicle
Sukulwenkosi Dube-Matutu, [email protected]
IN a groundbreaking display of commitment to equitable development, the Government disbursed $1,4 billion in devolution funds to Matabeleland South rural local authorities. This investment has accelerated the implementation of vital service delivery projects that have had a profound impact on the lives of the people.
There is even greater hope after Government this year allocated $10 billion to support the development initiatives of the seven rural local authorities. These devolution funds have enabled local authorities to fund the implementation of many development projects cross the country. Clinics, classroom blocks, roads, bridges and street lighting are just a few examples of the transformative projects made possible through this visionary approach to development.
Aligned with the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1), a five-year economic management masterplan running from 2021 to 2025, the Government is keenly focused on building, expanding and restoring key enabler infrastructure such as roads and energy. These ambitious infrastructure development efforts are propelling the country towards its goal of attaining an upper middle-income economy by 2030.
Over the past few years, Government has disbursed $1,6 billion in devolution funds to Matabeleland South province. This unwavering support has enabled rural district councils to meet their service delivery obligations.
Mangwe Rural District Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr Bongani Ngwenya, highlighted the wide-reaching impact of the devolution funds during a Matabeleland South Provincial Development Committee (PDC) meeting recently.
“The devolution funds have gone to various sectors which include education, health, WASH and roads. We have also purchased equipment,” he said.
All seven local authorities have schools and clinics that they have built using devolution funds.
One such success story is the Mandihongola Clinic in Gwanda which will be commissioned soon. The other health facilities that benefited from devolution funds are Tshanyaugwe Clinic, Garanyemba Clinic waiting mother’s shelter and Mashaba Clinic waiting mother’s shelter.

Matobo District was able to complete stalled projects such as Mlugulu and Nhlupho Clinic.
Insiza district’s Bekezela Primary School which was also built using devolution funds has decongested Filabusi Primary School and Montrose Seven Clinic has brought vital healthcare services closer to villagers who previously walked long distances to seek health services.